Petitions are an important way for people to voice their concerns and influence decisions being made. E-Petitions allows you to do that electronically. If you live, work, or study in Gateshead you can lend support to existing e-petitions or create a new e-petition.

If you want to get involved, it is essential that you read the general Petition Scheme guidance. If you would prefer to submit a petition in writing, please go to the Petition page which contains the relevant address details.

Do you want to view existing e-petitions?

petition signature board
If you are considering creating a new e-petition, it is a good idea to have a look at the existing e-petitions first, because someone else may already have submitted the same or a similar e-petition. If you decide that you want to lend support to any of the active e-petitions, you can simply add your name and address to the e-petition. This means that you can see the names of those who have supported the e-petition, but don't worry, your full address will not be shown. (Note: you must have an email address so that we can confirm your signature) 

Search for petitions here:

Latest Petitions

Closing date: 01 Feb 2025
Signatures: 1
Closing date: 29 Jul 2024
Signatures: 13
Closing date: 29 May 2024
Signatures: 2422

Do you want to create a new e-petition?

To create a new e-petition you must first register as a 'Lead Petitioner'. As lead petitioner, you can then set up your e-petition, clearly outlining what you would like the Council to do or not to do. You will be the primary contact if we need to get in touch.
collecting petition sigantures

Register here: Register as Lead Petitioner

If you are already registered as a Lead Petitioner, login here:

Email Address:
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