Traffic Calming on Windsor Road, Birtley

Windsor Road is a residential street in Birtley, Gateshead. The road is a main route for lorries travelling to industrial units on Mary Avenue, a bus route and a frequent route for funeral corteges travelling to and from Birtley Crematorium.

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Travel up and down Windsor Road is often done above the 20mph statutory speed limit by all vehicle types that use it. There are some vehicles that do drive safely. On Wednesday, 27th February 2018, a 7 year old boy was hit by a bus and was rushed to hospital in a serious condition. The bus may not have been travelling in excess of the speed limit, however, had the road been installed with traffic calming measures, it is in my opinion a method to minimise future accidents. There are over 20 children living in the street and I feel it is our duty to protect them from future accidents on this road.

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Principal Petitioner
Mr Edward Huggins

Petition Status

Closing date
30 May 2019