Transport Consultation - Collingdon Road High Spen - Road Hump Notice

NOTICE is hereby given that the Council propose to introduce a raised table road hump at Collingdon Road, High Spen.

The proposal will introduce one flat top speed table at the junction of Collingdon Road/Unnamed Access Road, High Spen with a height of 94mm, full width of the carriageway – Collingdon Road – from a point 32 metres south of its junction with Collingdon Green in a southerly direction for a distance of 34 metres; and Unnamed Access Road from its junction with Collingdon Road in a north easterly direction for a distance of 14 metres. 

The associated Notice, Plan and Statement of Reasons can be downloaded below.

If you wish to make a represntation regarding the proposed road hump, please click on the Take Part button below on or before the 8 November 2021.

Started: 14 October 2021
Ended: 08 November 2021
Contact: Legal Traffic Orders
t: 0191 433 3000
e: legaltrafficorders@
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