Transport Consultation - Bridleway Whickham 62 & Footpath Whickham 194 Extinguishment Order

Notice is hereby given that on the 18 January 2023 the above order was made under section 118 of the Highways Act 1980, to extinguish Bridleway Whickham 62 and Footpath Whickham 194.

The order will extinguish the following public rights of way -

Bridleway Whickham 62 – From point A on the order map grid reference NZ18636004 to point C grid reference NZ18186011 via point B grid reference NZ18235997 – the bridleway commences at the junction with the restricted byway WH/63 and proceeds south westerly, then north westerly under WH/125 to a dead end, for an overall distance of 550 metres with a width of 3 metres throughout, as shown on the order map.

Footpath Whickham 194 – From point A on the order map grid reference NZ19986211 to point B grid reference NZ19426158 – the footpath commences at Hexham Road east of Blaydon Rugby Club and just west of WH/125, it then proceeds south westerly along a track at the base of an embankment to the south corner of the rugby field, turns north west for 40 metres, then south east alongside WH/215, then turns south westerly to Dam Head, Point B for a distance of 1,200km with a width of 2 metres throughout, as shown on the order map.

A copy of the order and the order map, together with the notice of making can be viewed below or at the main reception at Gateshead Council’s Civic Centre, Regent Street, Gateshead, NE8 1HH, Monday to Thursday between 8.45am and 5.00pm and Friday between 8.45am and 4.30pm. 

Any representation or objection relating to the order must be sent in writing to the Strategic Director of Corporate Services and Governance at the above address not later than 20 February 2023 and applicants are requested to state the grounds on which it is made, quoting reference IKEN/012083 on all correspondence.

If no representations or objections are duly made to the order, the Council may confirm the order. 

Started: 20 January 2023
Ended: 20 February 2023
Contact: Legal Traffic Orders
t: 0191 433 3000
e: legaltrafficorders@
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