Reconsider funding to Gateshead NRASS

We, the Deaf Community, would urge Gateshead Council to reconsider their funding to North Regional Association for Sensory Support (NRASS) as this is a vital organisation to people with a Sensory loss. Deaf people need access to information as they are already isolated due to the Coronavirus as we need to meet face to face to be able to lipread people which at the moment is impossible due to them wearing masks and offices are not accessible, even the Civic Centre is not accessible. We can't deal with telephone appointments like hearing people can or do video calls as we need to book British Sign Language interpreters to be in the call and this takes time due to the demand of interpreters. NRASS help all Deaf Clients by translating letters or making telephone calls on their behalf as most Deaf people can't understand English Grammer so it needs to be translated to them via a service like NRASS. NRASS is our lifeline to the outside world as there are far too many barriers for us and

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Principal Petitioner
Miss Angela Gray

Petition Status

Closing date
31 May 2021